Oracle 1Z0-805試験の準備

1Z0-805試験の結果は、試験準備の影響を大きく受けます。 したがって、Oracle 1Z0-805試験の準備、十分な注意を払うことに加えて、我々はまた、より良い実装方法を知っている必要があります。

1Z0-805試験を受験する多くの人が1Z0-805試験に合格すると、1Z0-805試験に合格することを保証します。 実際、このアプローチはあまり効果的ではありません。 私たちの脳は睡眠中の記憶を記憶するので、睡眠不足があると脳は常に働き、記憶にはあまり助けになりません。 午前中に立ち上がった後など、脳がより活発に働く日に、より効果的な試験準備をすることをお勧めします。この時、脳は空白の状態にあり、情報の吸収と消化に非常に適しています。




試験に合格する前に、1Z0-805問題集、試験ガイド、試験ノートをお持ちください。試験の途中または試験を待っているうちに、この情報を取り出して見て、事前に試験の状態に入って、回答の効率を達成することができます。 1Z0-805試験の時間はわずか150分であり、時間はそれほど充分ではありません。これは非常に重要です。


1Z0-805問題の特定の必要条件を過小評価しないでください。各質問を少なくとも2回読んで、トピックの要件を十分に理解してください。質問のキーワードに注意を払う、あまりにも答えを与えることを切望しないでください。 1Z0-805試験の前でさえ、あなたは1Z0-805問題集を通して試験内容の包括的な理解を持っています。 もし答えが速ければ、1Z0-805の質問のリクエストを詳細に読むことができますが、答えのスピードが遅い場合は、質問を読む時間を短縮し、答えが完了した後にもう一度チェックしてください。 これは120分以内にすべての質問に答えることを防ぐためのものです。

Question No : 1
Which statement is true about the take method defined in the WatchService interface?
A.Retrieves and removes the next watch key, or returns null of none are present.
B.Retrieves and removes the next watch key. If a queued key is not immediately available, the program waits for the specified wait time.
C.Retrieves and removes the next watch key: waits if no key is yet present.
D.Retrieves and removes all pending events for the watch key, returning a list of the events that were retrieved.

正解: C

Question No : 2
Given the code fragment:
private static void copyContents (File source, File target) {
try {inputStream fis = new FileInputStream(source);
outputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (target);
byte buf = new byte [8192]; int i;
while ((i = != -1) {
fos.write (buf, 0, i);
//insert code fragment here. Line **
System.out.println ("Successfully copied");
Which code fragments, when inserted independently at line **, enable the code to compile.?
A.}catch (IOException | NoSuchFileException e) { System.out.println(e); }
B.} catch (IOException | IndexOutOfBoundException e) { System.out.println(e); }
C.} catch (Exception | IOException | FileNotFoundException e ) { System.out.println(e); }
D.} catch (NoSuchFileException e ) { System.out.println(e); }
E.} catch (InvalidPathException | IOException e) { System.out.println(e); }

正解: BDE

Question No : 3
Which two statements are true about the walkFileTree method of the files class?
A.The file tree traversal is breadth-first with the given FileVisitor invoked for each file encountered.
B.If the file is a directory, and if that directory could not be opened, the postVisitFileFailed method is invoked with the I/O exception.
C.The maxDepth parameter’s value is the maximum number of directories to visit.
D.By default, symbolic links are not automatically followed by the method.

正解: CD

Question No : 4
Which code fragments print 1?
A.String arr = {"1", "2", "3"}; List <? extendsString > arrList = new LinkedList <> (Arrays.asList (arr)); System.out.println (arrList.get (0));
B.String arr = {"1", "2", "3"}; List <Integer> arrList = new LinkedList <> (Arrays.asList (arr)); System.out.println (arrList.get (0));
C.String arr
= {"1", "2", "3"}; List <?> arrList = new LinkedList <> (Arrays.asList (arr)); System.out.println (arrList.get (0));
D.String arr = {"1","2","3"}; List <?> arrList = new LinkedList <?>(Arrays.asList (arr)); System.out.println (arrList.get (0));
E.String arr
= {"1","2","3"}; List <Integer> extendsString > arrList =new LinkedList <Integer> (Arrays.asList (arr)); System.out.println (arrList.get (0));

正解: AC

Question No : 5
Given the code fragment:
public static void main(String args) {
String source = "d:\\company\\info.txt";
String dest = "d:\\company\\emp\\info.txt";
//insert code fragment here Line **
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println ("Caught IOException: " + e.getmessage();
Which two try statements, when inserted at line **, enable the code to successfully move the file info.txt to the destination directory, even if a file by the same name already exists in the destination directory?
A.try {FileChannel in = new FileInputStream(source).getChannel(); FileChannel out = new FileOutputStream(dest).getChannel (); in.transferTo (0, in.size(), out);
B.try {Files.copy(Paths.get(source), Paths.get(dest)); Files.delete(Paths.get(source));
C.try {Files.copy(Paths.get(source), Paths.get(dest)); Files.delete(Paths.get(source));
D.try {Files.move(Paths.get(source),Paths.get(dest));
E.try {BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(source), Charset.forName ("UTF8")); BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter (Paths.get(dest), Charset.forName ("UTF-8")); String record = ""; while ((record = br.readLine()) != null){ bw.write (record); bw.newLine(); } Files.delete(Paths.get(source));

正解: BD

Question No : 6
What design pattern does the Drivermanager.getconnection () method characterize?

正解: B

Question No : 7
Given the code fragment:
dataFormat df;
Which statement defines a new DataFormat object that displays the default date format for the UK Locale?
A.df = DateFormat.getDateInstance (DateFormat.DEFAULT, Locale(UK));
B.df = DateFormat.getDateInstance (DateFormat.DEFAULT, UK);
C.df = DateFormat.getDateInstance (DateFormat.DEFAULT, Locale.UK);
D.df = new DateFormat.getDataInstance (DataFormat.DEFAULT, Locale.UK);
E.df = new DateFormat.getDateInstance (DateFormat.DEFAULT, Locale(UK));

正解: C

Question No : 8
Given three resource bundles with these values set for menu1: ( The default resource bundle is
written in US English.)
English US resource Bundle Menu1 = small
French resource Bundle Menu1 = petit
Chinese Resource Bundle Menu = 1
And given the code fragment:
Locale.setDefault (new Locale("es", "ES")); // Set default to Spanish and Spain loc1 = Locale.getDefault(); ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle ("messageBundle", loc1); System.out.println (messages.getString("menu1")); What is the result?
A.No message is printed
E.A runtime error is produced

正解: E

Question No : 9
import java.util.*; public class StringApp { public static void main (String args) { Set <String> set = new TreeSet <> (); set.add("X"); set.add("Y"); set.add("X"); set.add("Y"); set.add("X"); Iterator <String> it = set.iterator (); int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { switch ({ case "X": System.out.print("X "); break; case "Y": System.out.print("Y "); break; } count++; } System.out.println ("\ncount = " + count); } }
What is the result?
A.X X Y X Y count = 5
B.X Y X Y count = 4
C.X Y count = s
D.X Y count = 2

正解: D

Question No : 10
Given the code fragment:
List<Person> pList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Person>();
Which statement is true?
A.Read access to the List should be synchronized.
B.Write access to the List should be synchronized.
C.Person objects retrieved from the List are thread-safe.
D.A Person object retrieved from the List is copied when written to.
E.Multiple threads can safely delete Person objects from the List.

正解: C

Question No : 11
Given the fragment:
public class CustomerApplication {
public static void main (String args) {
CustomerDAO custDao = new CustomerDAOMemoryImp1 ();
// . . . other methods
} }
Which two valid alternatives to line 3 would decouple this application from a specific implementation of customerDAO?
A.CustomerDAO custDao = new customerDAO();
B.CustomerDAO custDao = (CustomerDAO) new object();
C.CustomerDAO custDao = CustomerDA
E.CustomerDAO custDao = (CustomerDAO) new CustomerDAOmemoryImp1();
F.CustomerDAO custDao = CustomerDAOFactory.getInstance();

正解: CE

Question No : 12
Given a resource bundle MessageBundle, what is the name of the default bundle file?

正解: D

Question No : 13
Given the code fragment: public class Test {
public static void main (String args) {
Path path1 = Paths.get("D:\\sys\\asm\\.\\data\\..\\..\\mfg\\production.log");
What is the result?
A.D:\sys\mfg\production.log 8
B.D:\\sys\\asm\\.\\data\\. . \\mfg\\production.log 6
C.D: \\sys\\asm\\.\\data\\. . \\mfg\\production.log 8
D.D: \sys\mfg\production.log 4
E.D: \\ sys\\asm\\data\\mfg\\production.log 6

正解: A

Question No : 14
You are using a database from XY/Data. What is a prerequisite for connecting to the database using a JDBC 4.0 driver from XY/Data?
A.Use the JDBC DriverManager.loadDriver method.
B.Put the XY/data driver into the classpath of your application.
C.Create an instance of the XY/Data driver class using the new keyword.
D.Create an Implementation of DriverManager that extends the XY/Data driver

正解: B

Question No : 15
Given the following code fragment:
public class Calc {
public static void main (String [] args) {
//* insert code here Line ** System.out.print("The decimal value is" + var);
Which three code fragments, when inserted independently at line **, enable the code to compile/ var = 0b_1001;
B.long var = 0b100_01L;
C.float var = 0b10_01;
D.float var = 0b10_01F;
E.double var = 0b10_01;
F.double var = 0b10_01D;

正解: BCE